When was the last time you checked your mortgage? Save money by remortgaging seems like a sensisble action to take after all it's probably your biggest outgoing. A study by Barclays in January 2019 revealed that £63.4billion worth of residential … [Read more...]
CASE STUDY – January 2019 – The discharged bankrupt that was not prepared to wait
This case was the second of two mortgages we arranged for our customer who is a discharged bankrupt. We arranged the original mortgage for a purchase of a new build and he returned shortly after to borrow additional money for his use by his … [Read more...]
NEW Buy to Let Mortgages with good rental calculations and no lender fee
Borrow more on your buy to let without the costs As a Buy to Let Mortgage Broker I’m constantly looking at the market for buy to let mortgages with good rental calculations. I normally resist putting out blogs on buy to let mortgages with good … [Read more...]
How do lenders view purchase incentives from Developers
Purchase incentives from property developers to fund part of the deposit or stamp duty or other goods. For many years purchase incentives for property have been offered. The main concentration for purchase incentives is developers of new build … [Read more...]
Capital Raising Remortgages
Acceptable reasons for rasing money on property January is often a time when you feel impervious and Capital Raising Remortgages might be a way to dust off the New Year blues. Capital Raising Remortgages are generally available from most … [Read more...]
Mortgages on a property with Restrictive Covenants inc Section 106
Can I buy a property with Restrictive Covenants using a mortgage? Mortgages on a property with Restrictive Covenants (including Section 106) can be difficult. Historically Mortgage Lenders would direct their surveyors and solicitors to make sure a … [Read more...]
What qualifications should my Accountant have to support my mortgage?
Choosing the wrong Accountant for mortgage purposes may lead to disappointment What qualifications should my Accountant have to support my mortgage? On the face of it you may have been unaware that certain Tax Advisors are unable to vouch for your … [Read more...]
Borrow more on a remortgage using your ex-husband’s income?
Can I use my ex-husband’s earnings to support my remortgage? If you are looking to borrow more on a remortgage using your ex-husband’s income then you are reading the right article. The same applies if you are looking to borrow more on a … [Read more...]
Finance for tax bills in 2019
Need to pay a Tax bill in 2019, we might be able to help. Corporation tax finance Finance for tax bills is an sector we help with increasingly. It’s perhaps unsurprising the finances for tax bills have increased as the Government has increased … [Read more...]
95% Self-employed mortgages using the latest years income
Can I get a mortgage working off latest years income figures If you are reading this article you probably are interested in mortgages working off latest years income as it will have a direct bearing on your borrowing potential. Mortgages … [Read more...]
Buying property for kids under the age of 18 years
Getting a Mortgage and Buying property for your children Buying property for kids can be a way of securing their future. Most parents will look to buy property for their kids when they are grown up or studying, and there are a number of mortgage … [Read more...]
Employed by family can I get a mortgage?
Mortgage lending criteria for clients who are employed by the family business. At Niche advice we have helped many clients get a mortgage while working for a family business. But be warned Mortgage Lenders will take extra steps to ensure the facts … [Read more...]
Getting a buy to let mortgage with low EPC rating
Low EPC rating is stopping my buy to let mortgage plans If you have a low EPC rating then getting a conventional buy to let mortgage is nearly impossible. What is a low EPC rating? It’s the bracket your property falls under into terms … [Read more...]
Benefits of holding buy to let as Tenants In Common
Should I structure my buy to let as “Tenants In Common”? Should you structure your buy to let as “Tenants In Common” is a good question. Tenants In Common” is one of the most useful tools from a financial planning perspective including buy to … [Read more...]
Voluntary Right to Buy Mortgage
Information on the Midlands Voluntary Right to Buy mortgage If you are based in the Midlands you may be entitled to the Voluntary Right to Buy (VRTB) pilot scheme for housing association tenants - and if so maybe you’re looking for … [Read more...]