Buy to let mortgage solutions for landlords who let to tenants that receive DSS assistance
It is maddening to hear that most lenders are still stuck in a bigoted world when it comes to accepting Buy to-let applications for landlords who let to DSS tenants.
Even if lenders have experienced a greater degree of repossessions from DSS tenants in the past or indeed the properties have generally been maintained to a lower than average standard this is absolutely no defence for not considering applications on a case-by-case basis rather than a broad stereotypical brush which flies in the face of political correctness.
Surely the lenders should first and foremost determine the basis of lending on the likelihood of receiving rent. DSS assisted tenants have the backing of the Government and my esteemed Financial Adviser colleagues advise that UK sovereign backed investments are classified as ‘no risk’ because never in history has our Government failed to honour their commitments.
It is also fair to say that Lender’s that do not offer buy to let mortgage products to support this type of tenancy run the risk of turning down with some of most organised and professional landlords in the business because perversely the landlords I speak to on a regular basis love the DSS tenancy support and regular flow of tenants. After all steady income without void periods is understandably what all landlords strive for.
There are however some good guys in this story that do consider buy to let mortgage applications for properties that are to be let to DSS tenants and to find out which lenders they are and how Niche Advice can help further.
For more information on how we can help you get a Buy to Let mortgage if you have DSS tenants , please contact us on 0207 993 2044 or alternatively complete the simple enquiry form on the top right hand side of this page.