I want to get a Mortgage with maintenance payments as part of my income. How does it work? To get a mortgage with maintenance payments alone is not possible. If however, you or a fellow applicant has a job then the maintenance payments could … [Read more...]
Mortgage and product news, best buys and tips
100% of rental income used for residential mortgage applications
Help the affordability of your residential mortgage by taking in your 100% of rental income on your buy to lets I want a residential mortgage, and although I work; I seek a Lender that will use 100% of rental income from my buy to let in their … [Read more...]
Mortgage with high childcare costs by ignoring nursery fees
Are there any mortgage lenders that will ignore nursery and child care fees in their affordability assessment? How can I get a Mortgage with high childcare costs I receive a constant stream of mortgage enquiries in regards to getting a Mortgage with … [Read more...]
Bank Statements for Mortgage Applications
Best format for gathering your bank statements for Mortgage Applications including how to get statements with https:// on them. In our experience, one of the biggest causes of delay when gathering documentation for mortgage applications is … [Read more...]
95% mortgage for foreign nationals with a visa via the Help to Buy Scheme and Niche Advice
Foreign Nationals with a Visa and buy a £400,000 property in the UK with a £20,000 deposit Just a 5% deposit is needed to get a mortgage if you are a foreign nationals with a visa looking to purchase a UK property under the Help to Buy Scheme … [Read more...]
Can I Remortgage if I have a second charge Secured Loan
I have a second charge Secured Loan, can I still get a Remortgage if I still want the loan to remain in place. In theory if you have a second charge Secured Loan it does not prevent you from changing your existing first change mortgage for a better … [Read more...]
Let to Buy Mortgage Advice
Let to Buy Mortgage Advice when your looking to rent your current home often refinance to fund the purchase of another property. What is Let to Buy Mortgage and how does it all work. It is very common for clients to ask me about retaining their … [Read more...]
Non SPV Limited Company Buy to Let Mortgage
Limited Company Buy to Let Mortgage options for Professional Landlords Since the budget the market has adjusted to provide more mortgage solutions for limited company purchases and remortgages. There is however an Important segment of the limited … [Read more...]
HSBC Mortgage Application Declined We Could Help
Don’t get disappointed, you are not alone as we regularly help applicants who have had a HSBC Mortgage Application Declined I cannot independently verify this fact all I can do is recount the number of grumbles I hear from applicants that have … [Read more...]
Mortgage with Bad Credit Rates
If your looking for a Mortgage with Bad Credit then your at the right place There are mortgage lenders that do not apply loadings for Mortgage with Bad Credit. That's right you do not have to be penalised just because you have had a credit issue … [Read more...]